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Fruitful Foundations: Part 4 - Platforms

Today in the Fruitful Foundations Series we talk about platforms.

There is no longer a one-size-fits-all in regards to digital platforms. We cover five options to consider for building your digital empire.

Watch the video, or see the details below.

1 - Traditional Websites

Website building has come a long way in the past ten years to make it much easier than the old HTML coding of the past. You can choose from a content management system (CMS) template or a custom-designed service built by a website designer.

2 - Speciality eCommerce Sites

This is a great option if you have a product and are just looking to generate sales. Examples include Amazon, eBay and even Shopify which is a website platform but build for product sales.

3 - Sales Funnel Software

Sales funnels align perfectly with social media to take customers on your customised sales process to include up-sells, exclusive one-time-offers (OTO) and help to increase average customer sale (ACS) Click Funnels would be the market leader in this space, but there is also Lead Pages.

4 - Teaching Platforms

These are great if you are running an online course, masterclass or membership group. My favourite is but there is also Thinkific, Invanto and Udemy as other platforms dedicated to teaching online and selling your expertise. This is a growing online segment so the functionality just keeps improving.

5 - Social Media

You can now easily monetise your social media pages through sponsor endorsed content, advertising and integrated shops. We recommend social media as a complement to your other online presence but you can monetise it exclusively if you wish.

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Image by Jeremy Bezanger
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